Privacy Policy


This document describes the privacy policy of this site. The policy may change from time to time, so make sure to check back regularly. It was last updated on Feb. 12 2022.

In short

Data we collect on you

When you use the site, we collect various data about you to improve your experience. If you're not logged in, by default, we use Google Analytics to collect statistics such as which pages you visit, but record no personal identifiers (use no cookies).

If you opt in to using performance cookies, we will use Google Analytics cookies to track you across sessions.

We need this to have an idea of how many people visit the site, and to know how well people respond to different versions. Furthermore, we use analytics to understand how well our development and promotional efforts work.

If you request early access, we will store the request and associated data (email, level of education (optional), language (inferred)).

For users who are logged in

If you're logged in, and have accepted performance cookies, we associate the session with an anonymous user id in the Google Analytics property, so we can correlate analytics activity with your account. Furthermore, we store required personal information (email, first and last name, language), and optionally other personal information (level of education, country, day of birth, gender). If you submitted level of education with an early access request, we will associate this information with your account.

We need this to personalize your experience (in case of name and language), and to understand where to spend our efforts when creating content, and how different demographics engage with our platform.

You can change which personal information we have access to on the edit profile page.

When you use the platform, we store any contributions you make such as answers. We use these to derive associated concept competencies and learning paths.

Your contributions are essential in order to accurately understand your needs and serve you problems that best support your learning. If you wish to delete your contributions, see the Data Deletion section.

Data controllers

Google Analytics is registered as a data controller.


Name Justification Provider Expires at Type
sessionid Remembers that you're logged in. Njoror 10 days. http cookie
csrftoken Prevents other sites from stealing your account. Njoror 1 year. http cookie
Cookiecook Remembers your consent preferences. Persistent. localstorage

Name Justification Provider Expires at Type
_ga Registers a unique ID which is used to record statistics for how the you user the site. Google 2 years. http cookie
_ga_DF9W53DEF2 _ga cookie for analytics property. Google 2 years. http cookie
_gid Registers a unique ID which is used to record statistics for how the you user the site. Google 1 day. http cookie
collect Used to collect data about the user's platform (PC, tablet or phone) and preferences. These data are used by Google Analytics to optimize the site. Google Session. Pixel Tracker

Data Deletion

If you want a copy of your data, or want to request deletion, you can do so by sending a mail to [email protected].